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Gioco di ruolo

Gio 19 Feb 2015 - 9:29 Da Lion Vega

Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.
Un gioco di ruolo, abbreviato spesso in GdR, GDR o RPG (dall'inglese role-playing game), è un gioco dove i giocatori interpretano il ruolo di uno o più …

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Messaggio  Lion Vega Lun 28 Set 2015 - 14:13

The game is in decline, not because of P2W elements but it because it fails expectations. Skyforge had a lot of hype about the unique setting, story, combat system, class system, the atlas, etc etc.

But what we got? Dull atmosphere, soap opera story, NPC that makes you laugh when they talk (and not a good laugh), glitchy combat, unbalanced classes and endless grinding.

Sure, the setting is unique, being a god is very cool and I still enjoy playing it casually. But a lot of people just moved on.

People leave mostly because of the P2W elements, because of the ridiculous limits. Especially the Credit limit, Peopel are forcing themselves not to pick up every loot they get from mobs, to accidently not to pick actual credits and all of that so they can cap the credit cap more efficiently. How many features of the game rely on said credit limit? The order system - Holy Texts, Cores for the Vector system, Gear boosters and so on and so on...

You talk about story, like there is one... you need to grind for a week or more to get some progress in the story. There are no quests related to the story, you rarely get a quest that benefits you at all or immreses you in the world's lore.

And.... don't forget the connection problems. You get so many disconnections, crashes, latency issues, significant frame rate drops and much more... this is not the game I was so hyped about, not the game that was promised to me.

I reached a point where I don't enjoy it anymore. And that's why I left, in dissapointment.
Lion Vega
Lion Vega

Messaggi : 759
Data d'iscrizione : 23.01.13
Età : 50
Località : Roma

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